"The author in this book titled Jesus Is A Black Man is teaching revelation, there is nothing anyone can do provided it is a divine message which is a sure word of prophecy.
The prophetic message is sensitive and not ordinary. He is proving & supporting even backing his argument with the written scriptures, which is Logos, Proofs.
Jesus Christ would always defend the opposition from His contenders as “it is written” and Satan also used the word it is written, when trying to penetrate into Jesus, as to mess Him up, put Him to open shame, and for people to doubt the truth about His Lordship.
If anyone is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new – For the Spirit of God is in the lives of every believer (Indwelling Spirit). And God speaks to every new creature – He that has ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the church (We are the new creatures in Christ Jesus). We understand the mind of Christ; because the Spirit speaketh expressly. (Ps. 97).
All who bow down in worship of man-made God, images, portrait, or sculptures in any form within the globe, are put to shame. John 4:23 made it clear that the time has come when those who worship the Father (GOD), must worship Him in spirit and truth – because God is a Spirit, wooden picture is not fit or permitted to represent God. God has no image except by Jesus.
If Jesus was a black man, good, that is the will of the Father but if otherwise, still good, falsification by anyone in making portrait aimed at deceiving the world is unacceptable and highly condemnable.
I agree with the author Evangelist T. C. Wanyanwu in this sensitive material that this kind of teaching is in order. What we want is the truth and nothing but the pure, raw and undiluted truth. Proverbs 11:9 says through knowledge shall the just be delivered.
God is not a respecter of any man, in due season, the hidden truth and the agenda of the wicked one and his agents will surface to their shame. Jesus said, if you remain in my word, then you are my disciple indeed. (Jn 8:31-32).
This book will, loose many who are blind-folded in the faith – both in mind from wrong and carnal teachings. The author, coming from a lineage of revered idol worshippers through this book has separated himself as an anointed Prophet of Jehovah with a mandate from God to deliver men from Idolatry. Anyone judging him by what he was in the past, may not be blessed by this revelation.
This book is a timely eye-opener to this generation that can never be extinguished by any rebellious one. An excellent book with a complex mystery about the true image and race of the Jews and Jesus Christ made designable at a mere read. Exposing that God is not wood, statue, image, picture, sculpture, or portrait and cannot be worshipped like a handmade item. Indeed, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"!
B.A Theology & M.A Missions
Preacher of the word of God Author of The Great Commission & Holy Spirit And His Earthly Activities
#JesusIsABlackMan #InconvenientTruth #TCWanyanwu #WanyanwuTheWriter @followers @highlight #ThyKingdomCome