Jesus Is A Black Man
In the ancient times, it was no secret that Jesus Christ was a Black man from the tribe of Judah. The early Jews knew it because they were also Blacks. The Romans knew it, and the Greeks knew it. In fact, all the people of his time, and long afterwards, knew that the Messiah Christ Jesus was a Black man.
This book is a historical story of the most prominent figure ever known to mankind (JESUS) the founder of Christianity, the head of the church of God, the creator of the heaven and the earth. The book provides a detailed description, exposition, analysis (Forensic & Scientific) with huge biblical proofs and references of the true colour of YAHUSHA (whom the world calls Jesus) as ‘BLACK’ contrary to the blue eyed, blond haired, images of a WHITE messiah that appears in churches all across the World.
Although this book has nothing to do with race or black pride, this is only about getting the truth out to our people so they can wake up from the lies.
Finally, it answers at length all of the objections that have been leveled against these proofs. ‘Jesus Is Black’ also provides as ambitious and complete a defense of the GOSPEL OF TRUTH that exposes the falsehood of the man in the church and in the world with the aim of bringing salvation and freedom of the man from bondage through knowledge of the TRUTH in Christ Jesus… SALVATION IS ASSURED!
The scriptures warned that false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones (Matthew 24:24). I have often wondered how the anti-Christ will look like when he eventually comes to deceive and lure men to hell until I saw a recent video of a white man masquerading as Jesus in Kenya here in Africa, deceiving and exploiting innocent victims, promising them heaven in return for their hard earned money…. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children (Hosea 4:6).
This book has 8 Chapters in total:
Chapter 1. The Jewish Background Of Jesus: Presents the historical background of Jesus’ Birth place, cultural heritage, festivals and Jewish traditions.
Chapter 2. Blacks Are The True Jews Of The Bible: This chapter discusses the origin of the Hamites and Shemites (or Semite). Revealing that the original Hebrew Israelites were of the Black race.
Chapter 3. Biblical References And Proof Of Jesus’ True Skin Colour And Race (Black): This chapter focuses on His Race with a deep insight and Biblical Teachings of His root and skin colour.
Chapter 4. Forensic And Scientific Proof That The Messiah Was Black: This chapter provides strong scientific evidence and forensic proofs that Jesus was a short, dark-skinned Hebrew Israelite with short curly (wooly) hair and dark eyes.
Chapter 5. The Account Of Cesare Borgia (Fake Images Of Jesus): This chapter talk about Cesare Borgia the blued eyed, blond haired white European looking man in all of the paintings about Jesus both in movies and story books.
Chapter 6. The Biblical Proof That The Messiah Is Black: This chapter brings the revelation of the Messiah in His full appearance.
Chapter 7. False Images Of Christ Displayed In Most Churches Around The World, The Conspiracy And Deception Theory: This chapter exposes the conspiracy of the wicked one and his agents to deceive mankind into worshipping the beast in his human form by faking and presenting false images of Christ to the church.
Chapter 8. Jesus Wasn’t White And Why That Matters: This chapter explains why it is important to know this truth ‘Jesus Is A Black Man’.
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32).
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