#Authors🖋️ #Maranatha😊
My Review of the book titled How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty
This is an interesting book written by one of American richest men of the 20th century.
J. P. Getty clearly warned that there are no absolutely safe or sure-fire formulas for achieving success or becoming a millionaire overnight. Nonetheless, he stipulated some fundamental rules from part 1 to 5, if followed, tip the odds for success.
No book on earth can teach you expressly HOW TO BE RICH including this one. But Luck, knowledge, hard work—especially hard work—is all a man needs to become a millionaire. Even the scriptures affirms in Ecclesiastes 9 vs 11 that the race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.
It's a 4 star book for me and definitely a must read for all.
Global Book Reviewers (GBR)
#BookReview #bookSuggestions #HowToBeRich #JPaulGetty #TCWanyanwu #WanyanwuTheWriter