Take your freedom from the oppressor
Jesus came to set the captives free. Therefore, the Gospel does not identify with the oppressors, it always identifies with the oppressed. “I have come to that they may have life more abundantly”-Jesus Christ. He is talking to those who don’t have abundant life, living in meager resources, those imprisoned, those naked, those with no food, those orphans, those widows, those enslaved, those oppressed. After all, only the sick needs a doctor. They are the reason of the Gospel. Therefore, the Bible must not be put in the palaces, parliament, banks or in the hands of the oppressors. The Bible must be put in the hands of those that have been oppressed, those that have been disadvantaged, those that have been colonized, those that have been dehumanized. The Gospel must come as GOOD NEWS that gives us hope not to endure the system but hope to fight the system and change it. Because your freedom is never donated to you by the oppressor. The oppressor will never donate freedom until you take it violently from them. We as Black people must decolonize and deconstruct the false identity of God (European Image of Jesus) in Africa. John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
#JesusIsABlackMan #AnInconvenientTruth
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